Experts agree that to be effective, you must be post daily on multiple platforms.


Whether it’s blogs or video or podcasts, all content will be in your brand’s voice.


Less expensive than new employees or traditional social agencies


The new, simple way to explode your business with AI + Human Editors combined together

Harper Lee, Truman Capote, Robert Ludlum—all needed editors. So why shouldn’t AI? TAG Ai combines the speed of AI content generation with human expertise, delivering powerful content that resonates with your audience.


AI content… humanized.

You can tell when something’s written in AI. It’s perfect grammar, but lacks any kind of soul. And everything sounds the same. Your audience can tell too. That’s why we created AI+Human, only available from TAG AI.

The Perfect Prompts

Our technology creates the highest quality AI content and edits it with experienced human editors, giving you the best of both worlds.

state of the art SEO

Our AI optimize your content for search engines. Then our human SEO experts tweak everything to boost your results faster than ever before.

Content published daily

If you’re not publishing content on a daily basis, you’re wasting time. In fact, Gary Vaynerchuk suggests posting 8-15 times per day!

More Leads & HIGHER revenues

Better content, consistent daily interactions and greater visibility all add up to more leads, more customers and higher revenues for you.

Best of all, this happens with little to no work on your part. Our hassle-free combination of AI+Human+Automation creates a daily stream of great content for your business delivered in your brand voice.


Daily Content 

If you’re not engaging your audience and followers on a daily basis, most experts agree that you’re wasting time and money. In fact, Gary Vaynerchuk says all businesses should now be posting content 8-15 times per day!


Daily Podcasts without ever speaking a word

We can clone your voice and create daily micro-podcasts. Short content is growing faster than long content, and that includes podcasts. While short daily podcasts are just 1% of all podcasts on iTunes, they account for more than 10% of all downloads!


Daily blogs that seem to 
write themselves

We create custom prompts to create AI content with the closest match to your Brand Voice possible. Then our team of experienced Human Editors adds an authenticity that can’t be duplicated in AI alone.


We put the “Oh!” in Optimization

Our SEO is truly groundbreaking. We start with AI Keyword Tracking and Insertion in our blogs and social media. Then our team of SEO experts adds detailed work that get your content found. Then we employ cutting edge techniques to drive new traffic quickly.


Social media gets more social when it’s daily

Studies prove the effectiveness of creating more frequent content. In fact, brands that post to social media daily experience a 4x increase in followers over weekly posting.


Turn your podcasts into eye-popping 
daily video

We’re big believers in the idea of having your content in front of your audience however they want to consume it. And daily animated videos based on your podcasts are a great way to do that. This allows audio-only podcasts to be shared on YouTube and TikTok.

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